Software Security Tip: Importance of Anti-Virus

Posted on behalf of Rodney Jackson, Information Technology Department.


A Common Problem

Most users underestimate the fact that no computing environment is immune to network attacks. Additionally, most users do do not have a proactive anti-virus software installed on their computer systems. These two issues combined present a common problem and the potential for personal information to be hacked, such as having one’s personal finance information compromised. Although a fix or at least a deterrent is relatively easy to obtain, the real challenge is convincing a computer user that free anti-virus software is not necessarily the best defense in protecting one’s personal information.

Real-Life Scenario

Recently, I assisted a friend that fell victim to a drive-by download attack. Basically, she did not click on anything to initiate a download or installation of malware. She was simply searching for a website and was re-directed to a site which compromised and infected her computer.

Easy Steps to Address

Below are steps I would recommend to any computer user.

  1. Install a proactive anti-virus.
  2. Make sure your anti-virus is up to date before surfing the web.
  3. Use common sense and the good practices. Remember nothing is free.

Useful Links

If you’re interested in finding out more about this topic I suggest reviewing some of the following resources: